The Collaborative Business Network

Friendly and supportive business networking where everyone is welcome and valued.


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“Fabulous Networking is an AMAZING supportive community.
I LOVE being a member!”

Anita Chakraburtty,
Multi-Dimensional Healing

Fabulous Networking

Why Join Us?


If you are like many of our members you reached a point where your corporate career no longer served you. 

You wanted to be your own boss. To serve your ideal clients. To make a difference to your community. Running your own business was the solution. But there are things you miss about your earlier life. 

Maybe it’s the team spirit, the opportunity to bounce ideas around with colleagues, the banter, the support when things were tough or even someone to celebrate your successes with. Or perhaps you miss the personal development opportunities or the accountability. 
We can plug that gap.

At Fabulous Networking we offer you a community of business owners who want to support you at every step in your business journey…

Meet fellow business owners who will become your sounding board, your support crew, and your friends in business.

They may become your customers or will recommend you to the people they know who need what you offer.

Hone your presentation skills through your introductions or be a speaker at some of our meetings and demonstrate your expertise to build your credibility.

Increase your knowledge at a Working Lunch session… a cross between training and implementation. Each monthly session focuses on a specific aspect of business. Volunteer to deliver a session and use it as a taster for a paid programme of your own.

Test out your ideas and get constructive feedback at our business hotseats or on a Get It Done Day.

Get those tricky or boring jobs off your to do list with support from your fellow members at one of our two Get It Done Days each month.

Join our Authors Group for support and shared knowledge to get the book you always wanted to write published.

Want to read more? Join our book club. Each month regular attendees choose a business or personal development book to read and discuss.

Fabulous Networking Community

Our members belong to the Fabulous Networking Community rather than a specific group, so you are welcome to attend any meeting or event at any time. 

We encourage you to nominate a home group to attend regularly so that you can build in-depth relationships with other regulars. Then add to your connections with occasional visits to other groups either online or in person. 

We know life and business are a juggling act, so we don’t have any attendance rules or professional lockouts.

We believe in collaboration rather than competition so actively encourage members to find ways to work together. The more you commit the more you will benefit.

Find out more about our local groups.

Join us

Membership is £25 per month and includes all our regular online events. Learn about the benefits of joining Fabulous Networking

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